Thank you for visiting. This idea is currently parked, as we develop other health related business pursuits. Thank you very much for your interest.

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At JuiceMe UK, we use the latest AI technology to blend together the most delicious.

5-A-Day Meal Plans

Our smoothies serve as part of your five fruit and vegetable goals a day, but they should always be enjoyed as part of a healthy balanced diet.

5th one

We’d love to reward your loyalty, so your fifth cup is on us. Generate a code on your app to enter into the machine and – if it’s your 5th, 10th, 15th cup (you get the drift) – then it’s on us.

Remix your smoothie

We’re love trying new mixes and can create a blend from any of the fruits below, with a maximum of 5 fruits in a cup. Got a blend you’d love to try; send us your mix and if it’s tasty, we’ll add it to your closest JuiceMe UK vending machine!

© JUICEMEUK.COM Company number: 14138027.

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